Tweet Advice for UV Submitters – #AskSwanwick Chat Write Up

[pullquote]One Undiscovered Voices area that’s usually under-represented by good quality submissions is for the youngest (5-8) age group. “We’d loved to see more of those,” Catherine told us. “Funny is often the key – and something obvious, like a timeless theme that works, such as fairies, witches, dragons, beasts, princesses, and animals.” [/pullquote]

Undiscovered Voices committee members, Rosie Best and Catherine Coe, participated in a twitter chat for #AskSwanwick on Wednesday, 3rd June 2015. They discussed a range of issues about editing, book packaging and, of course, dispense some sage advice on Undiscovered Voices.

You can read a write up of the chat here at Look out for some great advice on how to edit and proofread your own work before submitting!